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Frequently Asked Questions


If you cannot find the answer to your question here, please use the "Contact" page to get in touch with us.

How much does Girl Scouts cost annually? 


When you join Girl Scouts you will need to pay the annual membership fee to Girl Scouts USA which is $25.00 per girl.  This is a yearly fee and is subject to change.  Your daughter/s will also need a Girl Scout uniform and that will run about $45-$50.  Girl Scouts USA does offer financial assistance for membership fees and uniform purchases. 

Your daughter’s troop may also charge troop dues, which will vary by troop and may also be covered by financial assistance. Other fees may include Service Unit activities fees that parents may be asked to pay for as well. Financial assistance for these fees is only available for Encampment.

When, where and what time do Girl Scout troops meet?

Individual troops decide on the date, time and frequency of their meetings.  Typically, the leaders will connect with the families in their troop to make sure there is a meeting date and time that meets everyone’s schedule.  The only time Westonka/Orono Girl Scouts meet as entire group would be for Service Unit activities. Information on these events can be found on the "Events" page.

Explain the structure of Girl Scouts, how are they set up?


Your daughter/s will join a troop based on their grade level.  That troop belongs to a governing body called a Service Unit.  All Westonka and Orono Girl Scout troops are part of the Westonka/Orono Service Unit. 

The Service Unit reports directly up to our regional Girl Scout Council which is Girl Scouts River Valleys.  To find out more about River Valleys, please visit their website at:

River Valleys Council report directly up to the “mother ship” – Girl Scouts USA!  To find out more about Girl Scouts USA, please visit their website at: 

All Girl Scout and Girl Guides (Girl Scouts in other countries) belong to an organization by the name of WAGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts).  To find out more about WAGGS, please visit their website at: 

Is a parent required to stay during a troop meeting or is it a drop off/pick up situation? 


Each troop leader feels differently about having parents attend the meetings. If the troop leaders need help with the girls they may ask any registered Friends and Family Girl Scout member to stay and help. If you have a daughter that would be more comfortable with you staying at the meetings, you will need to have a conversation directly with the Leader.

Do we have to participate in Cookie Sales?


When girls participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program they not only learn many great things for themselves, but they also help fellow Girl Scouts and their communities while having fun.

Girls develop essential skills that benefit them throughout their personal and professional lives:

  • Goal setting

  • Decision making

  • Money management

  • People skills

  • Business ethics

The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps to subsidize Troop Expenses, keeping Girl Scouting affordable for all girls. In fact, the Cookie Program is vital to River Valleys’ mission of building girls of courage, confidence and character!

What are the different aged Program Levels in Girl Scouts?

Daisy’s:             Kindergarten and 1st grade

Brownies:          2nd and 3rd grade

Juniors:             4th and 5th grade

Cadettes:           6th through 8th grade

Seniors:             9th and 10th grade

Ambassadors:     11th and 12th grade

Juliettes:            Girls who chose to be a single Girl Scout without a troop

Adult Member:    Any member who has graduated from High School and is 18 or older.

Please note:  A girl can join Girl Scouts at any grade level any time during the year

How is my daughter placed in a Girl Scout troop?


New Girl Scout troops are (typically) formed at the beginning of the school year, but can be formed at any time. Our Service Unit gathers the names of all girls interested at the same grade level and then tries to form a troop. A troop can only be formed if there are two (2) leaders in place.  

Parents of Kindergartners, since this is the first year that girls may become Girl Scouts, please be aware that all troops will be new. This also may be the case for 1st grade troops as well, since many parents hold off signing their girls up for Girl Scouts until they are in 1st grade. As the grade levels get higher, there may be pre-existing troops that your daughter may join.  

We never want to turn a girl away from joining Girl Scouts - that is our policy! However, please be aware that there may be circumstances where we have no available troops for your grade level. Troop leaders may be at their max for taking in new girls, or as girls get older, and troops disband due to the girls being too busy, there simply may not be a grade level troop available. We will do everything in our power to place every girl.

Are troop leaders standing by ready to lead my daughters troop? 


We wish this were the case, but unfortunately, in order to build a troop, we need two (2) unrelated volunteers, which most of the time is the mom or dad of the girls. We have also seen sisters, aunts and grandma’s lead troops!  

Please consider becoming a Girl Scout leader or Troop volunteer. Girl Scout Council does provide on-line training to all new leaders. Our Service Unit also provides more hands on training as well.

Are Girl Scout leaders paid? 


That would be nice, but we are not!  Girl Scout Leaders graciously volunteer their time for the love of their daughter’s as well as their love of the Girl Scout program! 

How can I help my daughter/s Girl Scout troop?


This is a great question! Girl Scout leaders always need help!  You can register as a Friends and Family member which will allow you to be a Troop Cookie Parent, Troop Treasurer, an assistant at a Troop meeting or a driver for girls for field trips or camps.

Girl Scouts believe firmly in the safety of all of the girls, so every volunteer is required to take a background check (they occur every three years). The background check is included in the price of adult membership and does not affect your credit scores

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